Visitor Guide

Roman Chariot – Free Downtown Shuttle

Posted March 24, 2025 by Kristi Kent in Holiday, Life in Rome, News, Things to Do


Text for Free Pick-Up:



Friday & Saturday : 5-11 PM

Holiday Closings – The Chariot does not operate on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and New Years Day.

– Hours may be adjusted seasonally and for special downtown events. View map below for route options.
– We also offer rides to and from the Between the Rivers Historic District!
– This service is made possible thanks to: Georgia’s Rome Office of Tourism, Downtown Businesses (BID), City of Rome, Floyd County & Forum River Center.


Roman Chariots are available for private event rentals in Downtown Rome. 5 passenger carts, $35/hr (Rates are subject to change).
For rental inquiries, please contact Lisa Smith: 706-295-5576,

Service Map

About the Author

Our Georgia's Rome tourism team works hard to curate content to help you discover and explore our beautiful town! We want to ensure our content is up-to-date and accurate; so please let us know if we ever overlook an important detail! This post was originally written by Kristi Kent and is updated by staff.


  1. Elaine McLeod Ricks, February 21, 2017:

    Yet another reason I wish I were back in my hometown!

  2. Telena, June 17, 2017:

    Thank goodness for the Roman Chariot today! Friendly much needed service!

  3. Vicki T., June 22, 2019:

    What is consider the Historic River district?

  4. Georgia's Rome, June 24, 2019:

    The historic district is located between the rivers. The district encompasses from Tribune/W 1st Street; 8th Ave/Glenn Milner Blvd; and 1st Ave. The map shows you the main Roman Chariot route in red. You can also request service from other locations between the rivers. We put the most popular requested routes in dotted yellow.

  5. Kristi Kent, May 20, 2024:

    The Between the Rivers Historic District is the historic neighborhood in downtown Rome. The neighborhood is sandwiched between Broad Street and Glenn Milner Blvd. The chariot cannot drive on any roads that exceed 25 miles per hour.

  6. Johnny and Penny Clavijo, October 1, 2021:

    We appreciate this service. Being new to the area and ones who like to take advantage of walking as much as possible to downtown dining and shopping, this service is a nice touch and much appreciated, especially after dark to have a safe ride home.

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