In each of our lives growing up, there are always a few landmarks that just stick with us no matter how much time passes. It’s because of these lasting impressions that we have some nostalgia for those iconic signs and experiences that go with them!
The Partridge

The Partridge Marquis
While Jerusalem Express currently occupies the space, the iconic marquis from the historic theatre that once stood here still lights up with the emblazoned Partridge neon.
Double Cola at Vargo Orthodontics

Photo by Allen Forrest
A relic from the 1937 Double Cola Bottling Co., it’s not hard to see how Vargo couldn’t resist keeping it up.
Sam’s Burger-Deli

It’s the newest on the list, but it definitely catches the eye
The new home of the Schroeder’s on Martha Berry Avenue has undergone an overhaul and is certainly flying high now. The restaurant is an actual plane!
Berry College Gate of Opportunty

The stunning canopied driveway of Berry College. Photo by Brett Godwin
Noted by the pearly gates in the forefront of the canopy, the breathtaking original entrance to Berry College stands out in the mind and hearts of generations of students who have attended this gorgeous college
DeSoto Theatre

A night at the DeSoto is like stepping through time
The South’s first “talkie” theatre has stood the test of time and never fails to light up a night on Broad in Downtown Rome!
Miss the star sign at Star Jewelry.